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Updated: Sep 15, 2019

Hello High School Students and Parents,

If you don't know me already, my name is Christine Ziccardi and I am your high school counselor. I am here to help you be successful in high school.

Because I don't have an office on a campus for you to meet with me, I get to come to an area near you! I hold "Office Hours" in multiple locations throughout the many counties we serve. I will be in your area at least once per month. I encourage you to come visit with me and ask any questions about high school course selections, college and/or career options, applications, letters of recommendations, scholarships, internships, work permits, as well as social, family and emotional concerns. You can also just come and say "Hi!" I love connecting with all of you! (I also usually have chocolate with me!)

If you can't make it to my in-person office hours, I always have weekly Zoom Office Hours. This is where you can hop online to ask me any questions.

To login to my Zoom "Office" at

Select "Join A Meeting"

Enter 483-022-0555

You can go directly to my calendar page at

and select the calendar in your area to make an appointment.

Please reach out to me if these dates and times do not work with your schedule.


Chris Ziccardi

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